Cost of living crisis help guide

Please see below a list of ways that you can get help during the cost of living crisis
cost of living

Grants and benefits to help you pay your energy bills

There are a number of ways you can get help with your energy bills including a number of grants that can be found here.


Benefits calculator

Check to see if you are getting all the benefits you are entitled to by using a benefits calculator. You can also check if you can get a council reduction or discount.


Help from local council or charities

Your local council may be able to give you vouchers or a prepaid card to help pay for essentials like food or fuel. For Luton please visit here

For households in need of food and utilities - on the day you should call 01582 510332 or 0800 456 1673.

Lines are open:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday - 9am to 5pm
Wednesday - 10am to 5pm


Check you’re being paid the right wage

On 1st April the minimum wage was increased. Check that you are being paid the correct amount.

21+ - £11.44

18 – 20 - £8.60

Under 18 - £6.40

Apprentice - £6.40

If you are not being paid minimum wage, you should speak to your employer first. If that doesn’t work or you don’t feel comfortable speak to Citizens Advice on 0808 278 7847.


Help with school costs

School uniforms, school equipment and school meals can all really add up. If you are struggling to provide everything your child needs for school Level Trust supports local families to overcome the costs of education so all children in Luton have the chance to love learning.

You may also be entitled to free school meals which you can apply for on the Government website.


Agreeing a payment plan with your energy supplier

If you’re struggling to pay your energy bills you should speak to your energy provider and ask to be put on a payment plan.

You’ll pay fixed amounts over a set period of time so you can pay what you can afford.


Grants to help energy debts

If you are in debt with your energy supplier, you might be able to get a grant to help pay off the debts. Even if your supplier doesn’t offer grants, you may be able to get one from the British Gas Energy Trust.


Local Foodbank

If you can’t afford food, you can arrange an assessment to find out whether you qualify for a food voucher. You can get in touch with Luton Foodbank who will be able to assess your situation and arrange food parcels where appropriate.


Citizens Advice

If you are struggling and need more assistance, then do contact your local Citizens Advice. For Luton you can visit them here: Community House, 15 New Bedford Rd., Luton LU1 1SA or contact them on 0808 278 7847.

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