Monthly free prize draw

Shop, Eat, Meet, Enjoy & Win!

Make sure you’re on our email list to take part in our free monthly prize draws. From shopping to dining, we’ll be giving out a new prize every month! Use the form below to sign up for our emails to make sure you’re notified of when the new prize is announced, and we’ll also enter you into the current draw.

How it works

On the 1st of each month we’ll send out an email with details of a new prize. Just click the button in the email to enter that month’s draw and be in with a chance of winning. 

Entries for each month’s draw close at midnight on the 14th, and you must click the button in the email to register your entry. 

If you’re not yet on our emails, you can sign up using the form here and we’ll also enter you in to the current month’s draw. 

Read the terms and conditions.

Sign up for our emails and join in